Finding the balance in this means finding the balance in myself. Finding the way to recognise my own feelings of anger, resentment, revenge, fear, etc., yet not identifying with them: not stuck in them and then acting them out. It is honouring my humanity yet knowing my divinity. This means holding the space for feelings that are very uncomfortable, which normally we do everything we can to avoid. It is true – they are not of my true nature. However, it is only when I recognise them and gently hold the space for them, that I can find my way through to breathe through them. My personal experience is that when we bring all that we are not (everything that comes from the separated self-identity) to the Light and rest here, (God and our divinity) all that we truly are, shines through. This is me, as Kimerie, making space for God to be God through me. As I rest in this beautiful energy, I find I can release the feelings and experience a profound transformation and healing. This is a work in progress. It is a daily practice – one of continually remembering The Golden Key, as Emmett Fox wrote – bring my awareness back to God: God as all-good without opposite. God as love, wisdom, right action, true power that enables us all to know our equality and oneness in the Mind of God. What is mine to do? It is to allow the transformative power of God to work through me so my own inner fear, anger or grief can be transformed, thereby enabling others to do the same. Adding positively to our collective consciousness. Sometimes it is holding the prayer energy of peace in all people, with divine wisdom guiding our world leaders as we all seek to find our way through the violence and grief. This is the feminine principle of Divine Mind expressing through us, the receptive aspect of being, as Charles Fillmore explained. Sometimes it is to take action, the masculine aspect of being which is dynamic and energetic. Give our time, energy or money to help in a practical way. In each moment, as we centre into God-Presence, we will know what to do and how to do it. My prayer, for our world and myself, is to find the pure energy of God in the midst of every person, situation and event unfolding: To know strength, courage, love and wisdom to help me face and release my own inner demons, so I can be fully present to those who are struggling in any way. My faith is that we can, together, face our inner fears and doubt and find release. We can stand for peace and right action, when done with compassion and understanding. Right where we are, we stand in our truth. Bless you for all you are doing and being, in your world. Kimerie Mapletoft Director of Silent Unity UK Would you like to begin your week with an inspiring email?Click here to sign up for our Thought for the Week email list
Simone Johnson
1/11/2023 08:55:27 am
Thank you, Kimerie, for such a wise and understanding take on all that is happening now in our world and how we can respond. I found your words to be deeply meaningful and they resonated very much with my own experience. Thank you very much for what you shared with us- it was so helpful.
Rosie Coulton
3/11/2023 09:34:31 am
This is wonderful. Thank you Kimerie.
1/11/2023 09:50:50 am
Thank you Kimerie, for sharing your wisdom and heart felt understanding. It is difficult to find any sense or reason as to why these devastating events are going on in our world. However, as you say we hold true to the pure loving compassionate energy of God, transforming the energy of fear and hopelessness, into courage and hope. We radiate this reassurance out into our world, thank you Kimerie for reminding me that collectively we can all play our part.
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