Afterwards I pondered about it, and I ended up telling myself, “okay, but I have to let my seeds grow at their own pace”, or my ideas and thoughts will all get into a bit of a jumble…..which of course is not the aim.
As is usual for me I came back to nature as a good example – planting, growing and harvesting. Then thinking about that statement, I came up with – “Well that’s okay in nature, but I know I have to be careful and mindful of the seeds I am planting, because the human side of me might germinate them into something I wasn’t expecting!” I realised at this point that I do not need to overthink it – which I imagine we all do sometimes when we come from our human perspective. So really, all we need to do is quietly turn within, and follow the divine guidance that our true nature will always reveal to us … and I am truly very grateful …
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I recognise that change is a good thing, even though it can often feel uncomfortable. It begins, for me, with the realisation that something different is seeking to be known or done because I experience a degree of restlessness, discomfort, a mind and heart niggle at the very least.
Depending on my energy levels, it feels good or it doesn’t. Sometimes it is simply exciting – a call higher: for Spirit to flow through in a different way. However, if I am experiencing exhaustion, due to overwork and not taking care of myself, I can over-react and respond with the thought that everything must change – a rather dramatic response! If this is the case, my first step is to acknowledge that my body/mind/heart feels the need for rest and self-care. Then I enquire deeper – is this a spa-day calling me, (it is always yes to a spa day!) or a change in how I live and work? As I rest in the silence to be with my experience, this urge for change, I seek clarity on what is mine to know and do. Until I am clear, I do not do anything. I rest, ‘wait upon the Lord’ and know that Divine wisdom is guiding me to my good. I also remember that for change to be good for me, it must work for others as well. Certainly if this call to change involves others, it is about including them in the discussion and being honest that at this time, the urge to experience something new is calling me, even if I have no idea what that is or how it is to happen. Further, when I keep this affirmation as my intention – only good can come from this – I remember that this change will be good for those around me, too. This is why Unity’s practice of ‘I let go and let God be God through me’ is so important. The trees do not try to hang onto their leaves. They let their beauty shine with one last show of glory before winter. Then, in the spring, new leaves, new life, bursts forth – made all the more beautiful because the old leaves have made way for these new ones. Letting go has been one of my big life experiences in Unity. I have let go of many good people over the years, at first not always willingly. However, I do know that when I let go of someone dear, or something that no longer serves me, it is opening space in me and around me, for new good to flow and come forth. This new good is important – it is required. We must all allow God as Spirit, as Good, to flow in, through and as us, if we want to move forward in our spiritual journeys, this lifetime. The flow, as Eric Butterworth (Unity author and minister) described, is important. Energy flows where intention goes. When it is time for the energy to flow in a new way, even if it feels uncomfortable and we are out of our comfort zone, we know it is a call higher for our souls and soul growth. Is something calling you to change in your life? Do you have an urge or inkling that something different is calling you – a new way to show up in the world, a new place to serve, new people to be with? If so, I encourage you to sit with this feeling or thought. Take time to ‘wait upon the Lord’ with anticipation and expectation – God is always showing up as our good – let God be God through you and as you and lead you to the next place in your life that is yours to be. I trust in the evolutionary impulse of loving goodness In Unity, we describe faith as more than believing: It is an inner knowing. Charles Fillmore, our co-founder, taught that faith is our foundation, from which we experience our lives. Today, if we listen to all the news we may have faith in a declining economy, struggle, debt and lack. Not very inspiring or helpful, is it. How do we turn this around? Our practice in Unity is to spend time each day in prayer, meditation and silence. It is here we come to know God in a real and personal way, yet also active as a constant, unchanging and limitless energy. We ‘persevere in faith’ and practice. Why? Because as we make space for God-awareness and experience, we are changed and our lives change. It is a powerful process and one that blesses all of life. Truthfully – we have to start somewhere! Let us use our faculty of faith to tune in to the loving goodness of God. Trust that God is evident as an evolutionary impulse working through all of life, inviting us to awaken into our divinity, lived through our humanity. My lovely friend and Unity teacher, Isabel Compton, used to say, ‘we are being done’. I must admit I struggled with this idea at first. Now, when I let God as the impulse of loving goodness express through and as me, I begin to experience Life as an evolutionary impulse that is drawing all of life into a deeper awareness of oneness and wholeness. Life is changing everywhere. Let us see this change positively as evolution. Let us use our faith to tune into life as an evolutionary impulse of loving goodness working through us. Then we will show up in a way that others may know this too. How is the evolutionary impulse of loving goodness expressing through you? For as you seek it, you will find it. Enjoy the journey. |
January 2025
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