In every moment, we automatically seek balance. This is true for the baby as it learns to crawl and walk – the child learning to ride a bike – in our latter years perhaps using a stick. Indeed all structures, including ships on the water, need balance to stay upright and secure. Life seeks and requires balance. At another level, the natural cycle of birth and death is an expression of balance – life makes way for the new. We see this when the leaves fall off the tree each autumn, providing food for the soil to support the tree as it grows in the spring – life progresses and evolves through this natural process. The tree drops its leaves to rest, so it can more fully take up the nutrients from the ground in the warmer weather. Further, they do this in co-operation with each other, supporting each other through their roots and leaves. Taking our cue from nature, we can witness that we are evolving too, as we seek balance in the expression of our humanity and divinity. For most of us, it is unhealthy to sit in meditation all day every day, or continuously strive and stress. We need and seek balance between work and rest and play. We take time to pray and meditate, then follow this with guided action, to do what is ours to do in support of all life, not just ourselves. Nature surrenders to the seasons and lets the natural order flow. We do so much better, when we surrender our purely human ‘me-first’ needs, to connect with the universal flow of greater good that is always here for us all. Therefore, although I often speak and write about surrender, encouraging us to let go into Presence, this is purely to allow the divine flow easy expression through us and as us, so that right action can follow. For whenever we surrender whatever is in the way of us knowing our divine and beautiful natures, we are free to live authentic and creative lives, which bless us and those around us. Further, as we seek balance in ourselves, old wounds can be healed, whether emotional, mental or physical. As we let God be God in us, our pain is dissolved and we are able to help others heal. So this autumn, as we watch nature ‘do its thing’ without any resistance whatsoever, let us also seek our own balance. Let us take time to rest and play, to be quiet and still, knowing that as we then step forward to act, Spirit is working through us to heal and restore us, each other and our world. Rev. Kimerie Mapletoft
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![]() Rev. Kimerie Mapletoft writes….. With all that is happening in the UK and worldwide, Unity in the UK is doing even more to affirm and know our spiritual comfort, strength, guidance and healing, within and beyond our community. We have been holding all in prayer since this began and our prayers continue. Indeed it is more important than ever to come together in prayer, sharing and developing our spiritual practice that builds our human connections and deepens our connection with God in the midst of us. Together we stand strong in faith, in and through every experience, knowing God IS our strength, help and support. GOD IS STILL GOOD. Our prayer line and ministry continue to work, undaunted and faith-filled, supporting every person individually and everyone’s prayer life as a whole. We will also continue to build our vital online, live-streamed services: offering classes, workshops, and providing prayer services, open to all every single day of the week. All these manifest and celebrate the spiritual connection, which gives us our name: Unity. We continue to receive calls, emails and letters and will respond to them all. Our faith in God is, if anything, even greater, for we know that in every situation we turn to God first. And God as good is always here. We will also of course be continuing to mail out our bi-monthly Daily Word and Unity Magazine, doing the very best we can to get it to you on time. Look out for more updates on the website. And be assured, our prayers and faith remain undaunted and faith filled. Join us. To email our prayer ministry: [email protected] To call the prayer ministry: 01628 628916. Love and blessings to you all, Kimerie |
February 2025
AuthorUnity in the UK Categories