Daily Word Online Prayer Meeting
Daily Word makes it easier to create or maintain a positive morning routine, with a reading for each day, an affirmation to refer back to and a bible verse to reflect on. You can also join us online via zoom each day as we share the reading of the day together and take time for prayer and meditation. There is a power in coming together in prayer and as we are reminded.
For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them – Matthew 18:20
Daily Word UK: Daily Prayer Group on Zoom
Monday - Saturday 9-9.25am and Sundays (and bank holidays) 10-10.25.
Hosted by Rev. Kimerie Mapletoft and her team. Readings, prayers and space for meditation.
On the first Sunday of the month, Rev, Kimerie Mapletoft will lead a slightly longer DW service,
which will include music and extended prayer.
For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them – Matthew 18:20
Daily Word UK: Daily Prayer Group on Zoom
Monday - Saturday 9-9.25am and Sundays (and bank holidays) 10-10.25.
Hosted by Rev. Kimerie Mapletoft and her team. Readings, prayers and space for meditation.
On the first Sunday of the month, Rev, Kimerie Mapletoft will lead a slightly longer DW service,
which will include music and extended prayer.
- Before attending your first meeting please email [email protected] so we know to let you in.
- Please join the meeting a few minutes before we start so we can welcome you, we also ask that you have your video on (you can turn it off when we start the meeting). To keep everyone safe latecomers may not be let in.
- For full details on how to join us via zoom online or on the phone click here. If you are a regular you can join with the normal details or click to join on zoom here.
Stories from the Daily Word Community
It’s a great start to the day and is making a difference to how I feel about the day ahead.
Rosemary, Daily Word Reader
I loved to-days message, "I connect into the power within." it really resonated with me, thank you..
It also highlights why it is important for me to join as often as is possible, to the morning Daily Word, prayer and quiet time, which starts my day off with peace and resilience to meet whatever it has to offer.
We have become a wonderful connected group of like minded souls, supporting ourselves, the ones on our prayer lists and the wider community too. I am so grateful
C.S, Daily Word Reader
Yesterday the Daily Word was Guidance,
I've had an ongoing situation with my car for months, not being able to start it especially in hot weather, the steering wheel locks and won't shift. Anyway, the challenge was getting the car to the garage when it won't start. and then I just found out my breakdown cover included home start after all! Hooray, but it still needed me to be well enough to cope with RAC man and drive it to the garage /pick up my husband if he drove it there, if the RAC man could get it going and many days that isn't possible for me.
It all felt heavy and cumbersome.
Then I read the Daily Word about guidance, and asked for help (Duh!) and WD40 came to mind! but where to squirt it?
So we tried to start the car. Nothing doing. I'd lost the red tube for squirting the WD 40 with or else trying the key hole would have seemed like a good start, so instead we squirted the key and put it in the keyhole and Hooray! The steering lock shifted and it started first time - Hooray alleluia!
Thank you Daily Word, thank you guidance.
Maureen, Daily Word Reader