As we say so often in Unity, prayer is the cornerstone of our teachings and practices, because prayer changes us.
Why? Perhaps because, as Unity minister and author Eric Butterworth wrote, “Prayer in Unity is designed to help us discover God’s presence. …. As we get a greater perception of our relation to the universe, there is no one to pray to … only a universal flow to get into; a spiritual energy to pray from ... The science of prayer is not a technique for getting into God, or for getting God into us. It is the awareness of our true self in its largest possible context and the key to changing things by altering our self-limiting attitudes.” (The Universe is Calling Ch. 1) Take a moment to reflect on this quote, for there is a lot here. Was this something that was taught to you as a child? Certainly, I did not experience prayer this way, which was probably why prayer did not work for me, until I re-discovered Unity. Like me, I think many people were taught to pray to a God-presence outside themselves, begging for things to be different and to get God’s attention; praying from a sense of unworthiness and lack. This is perhaps why so many in the world today do not pray until they are desperate and feel they have nowhere else to turn. Not as powerful, loving or connecting an experience as prayer can be. Of course, as children, we take onboard the self-limiting beliefs of our parents, guardians and teachers, and they the same before them. As children we are like sponges, for without even realising it we soak up and take on the beliefs and demands of our community and culture, to fit in and stay safe. How understandable this is. Yet as Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 13: 11-12, “When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” We are called to know ourselves as God knows us – not as someone unworthy, but as made in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26). Prayer in Unity, along with meditation, is the way we can deeply access God-within and our True Self. Does this speak to you personally? If this sounds interesting and you would like to know more, join us on Zoom to share:
Prayer changes us – let yourself be changed to release the divine flow, the Christ energy within you.
Do you relate to this message in any way? I know that at times I have felt overwhelmed, when it seemed everything was changing. Yet I have also recognised the call to come higher; to open into and connect with the God-energy, which is greater than me, yet is always here. This focusing on God as my life, love, wisdom and peace, has been my comfort, joy and peace. How do we make the connection that Myrtle writes? We stop, turn our attention away from the distractions or problems of the world, to pray words of love and support and then listen to the still, small voice within, before taking new action and thinking new thoughts. Emmett Fox called this The Golden Key. Prayer is the heart of Unity. This month, you can join us in Unity and be part of our annual World Day of Prayer, Thursday 8th September, when tens of thousands of people around the world will be joining in conscious, connected prayer. Why pray? Again, we turn to Myrtle Fillmore who wrote (Healing Letters P35), “Prayer, as Jesus Christ understood and used it, is communion with God; the communion of the child with his Father; the splendid confidential talks of the son with the Father. This communion is an attitude of heart and mind that lifts the individual into a wonderful sense of oneness with God, who is Spirit, the source of every good and perfect thing, and the substance that supplies all the child’s needs, social needs, mental needs, physical needs, or needs of a financial nature. Positive declaration of the truth of one’s unity with God sets up a new current of thought power, which delivers one from the old beliefs and their depression. And when the soul is lifted up and becomes positive, the body and the affairs are readily healed.” Prayer, through the letting go of old thoughts, doubts or fears, followed by claiming and knowing our good, are the tools we use to support us in our life as we move from the old to the new – a larger, brighter, more joyful life-experience, for ourselves and everyone around us. Prayer changes us As we say in Unity, prayer changes us. Further, by consciously choosing to connect with others at the same time and in the same way, through Unity’s World Day of Prayer, we are open to experience the deeper changes and good we seek in our world. At this time on our planet, there is a profound call for us to awaken into our true Christ identity. To live more deeply, the light and truth we are, and hereby helping others do the same. It is together that we awaken; together that we experience love and joy; together we experience peace. So join us for our annual World Day of Prayer and share in the experience of moving from one room, into a lighter, larger place of being. The importance of self-care within spiritual community.
Our faith in God, the Presence that we reside within, is something that keeps us stronger, healthier and peaceful. However, even with faith, there are times when we feel pushed to the limit, completely outside of our comfort zone, afraid of what is going on around or within us. This is when it is so important to turn to our spiritual community for affirmative prayer and support. Mental health has really come to the fore through lock-down; and prayer is such a powerful resource and tool, to develop and use. Perhaps the most important step is learning not to make anything wrong, including ourselves! When we can surrender our judgements of what we think should be happening, or how we should respond, we make space for Divine wisdom and love, comfort and care. We discover we can see the way forward and take the steps that are ours, with renewed clarity, authority and faith. The first step in prayer is release: To let go of judgements, or ask for help in letting go, is to make way for the flow of Divine life, love and wisdom, eternally present. None of us like feeling alone or isolated, so it is very important that we reach out to others who will not judge us, but listen, support, encourage and uplift us. This is where Silent Unity, our prayer ministry, can really help. We pray affirmatively, listening with love and compassion, then inviting the caller to come together to connect with God’s love, guidance, life and peace, that is here in our midst. Prayer is such a powerful tool – it connects us with each other and with God. Perhaps this is what is needed more than ever: To know that we are part of something greater than ourselves that is, for us, loving, compassionate, understanding, non-judgemental and actively present to bring forth the highest good for everyone. To connect with Silent Unity in confidential prayer and pray in person with our fully trained volunteers: Call: 01628 628916 Email: [email protected] Write: 10 Lake End Court, Taplow Road, Taplow, Bucks, SL6 0JQ Silent Unity is here to pray with you – to see the Christ energy being born in all of us anew as we move into this New Year. Together let us honour each other, love each other and celebrate all the ways that God as good is being born in us, and in our world. Rev. Kimerie Mapletoft Director of Silent Unity and Daily Word UK ![]() Elizabeth writes In my family Daily Word has always existed. My mother went to Unity meetings when we lived in Bermuda. When I was 18 I went to England to study to be a nurse. It was there that I met my future husband. Looking back now we weren’t suited. I was young, foolish and a people-pleaser. I had a stillborn, full-term baby boy and turned away from everything my family and church had taught me. I went through bulimia and alcohol problems trying to kill the pain and the injustice I felt of losing my child. I felt I was being punished and I was unable to talk about what I was going through. My husband didn’t help me, he didn’t understand my problems. I went for help but was unable to admit my problems of bulimia and alcohol. I also felt my marriage was on the rocks, my husband wouldn’t talk about it, for him everything was fine. Life's Challenges We came to Italy in 1970 just for 2 years. I felt I needed to get away. My husband found a good job and for a period we seemed happy, but I had forgotten God. My husband was a womaniser and I was desperate. I hit rock bottom. At this point I admitted that I had a problem with alcohol and bulimia. I went for help. Fortunately I only needed to talk with a psychologist, no tablets. I recovered from alcohol and bulimia and have never turned back. I realised in the end that it was lack of love and respect for myself. I was destroying myself. My mother sent me a subscription to Daily Word and that was the beginning of my return to the fold. I had been a lost sheep. That was back in 1988. I had a hysterectomy. I didn’t feel alone. I remember the feeling of arms around me. Silent Unity was praying for me. Glimpses of Joy In 2008 I eventually got a divorce and remarried a wonderful person. I was so happy. He unfortunately died in 2013. I was heartbroken but I had Daily Word and Unity helping me. In 2012 I was diagnosed with an aortic stenosis, it gradually worstened and in July 2020 I was rushed to hospital as an emergency. I went to Careggi Florence on the Monday and on Wednesday 23rd July 2020 was operated on, to substitute the aortic valve. Before the op I was afraid but I kept repeating the affirmations Unity had sent me via a friend who had phoned them. Due to the virus no visitors were allowed. I was only afraid when the anaesthetist came the night before to see me, making me realise a lot could go wrong. However that night I slept after praying for a good outcome. The power of prayer After the op I have made a good recovery. I am still suffering the after-effects of the anaesthetic, but am positive that with time all will be well. My friends and family have been supportive through all these 3 months. My life today I live on my own with Goia, my Lagotta dog, she has stimulated me to get back on my feet. I can walk now 5kms uphill and practically do all my housework. Every morning before starting my day I have a Daily Word reading and prayers and am so grateful to have been given a second chance and to be well. Even though I’m 77 there must still be some improvements to be made in my life. Needless to say, Prayer and Daily Word are and will always be an important part of my life. I have come a long way. Elizabeth. A Daily Word Reader. 2020. ..."Let's take a moment to turn within and get centred and still..." A short two minute meditation based on Silent Unity's Healing Prayer. For more prayer support visit Silent Unity our prayer ministry After a few teething problems with the website (thank you for your patience and understanding) it is now successfully launched and being received with some great comments. Do get excited with us and check it out: www.unityuk.org.
We would also love your comments and feedback. As part of our service to you, we update our website regularly, with new events, videos and free resources to support you and our Unity family. In addition, if there were something you would like to see, do let us know. This has been a big change for us in Unity. Have you noticed that change is the one constant in the universe? We can almost guarantee that, just as we think our lives are sorted out and going in the right direction, they change again! This is something I have experienced repeatedly. Sometimes it is exciting and something we want. However sometimes it feels like it is the last thing we want. We may resist what is happening and may even rile against our fate! We may cry, ‘Why did this happen?’ or ‘Why did God not stop this from happening?’ We may even pray for the old situation to return, perhaps feeling frightened and overwhelmed. If this is your experience, it is important to acknowledge your feelings without believing the thoughts that go with them. However, just as seasons change to keep the natural world healthy, in balance, so our lives must change to keep us healthy, and in balance, even though it may not feel like it at the time. Continuous growth in ourselves as human and spiritual beings is part of our soul desire. This growth often involves challenges and change – yet it is the call higher. For in each event that we experience, we are being invited to go deeper into our True, Christ self. This to release the inner splendour that has always been within us, yet sometimes only really experienced when life seems to throw us a curve ball! If something is happening in our lives, like Covid-19 and its consequences, that we cannot control, we can go within, to our deeper self, and ask to see how we can respond in a way that loves, empowers and connects us with each other and our world in a more positive, graceful way. We can practice releasing our old ways of responding; loving and letting go of the part of us that wants life to be a certain way; opening instead to the limitless possibilities that are inherent in each moment in time and point in space, this to reveal our inner beauty and depth of being. Suddenly, we can be present to ourselves and each other in ways never experienced before. From this viewpoint, we can now see the change as an opportunity to know ourselves as the next best version of who we came here to be. If you are going through change and uncertainty, we warmly invite you to join our first Unity home retreat. Its focus is to help us move from uncertainty to faith through the experience of being always at home with God. Further, with Lent starting this month, our Unity Lent booklet is designed to support us in releasing the old responses we wish to let go of, to reveal our true, beautiful and graceful self. So join us through Lent with our daily readings, and let the inner change in ourselves bless our world and all we experience together. Rev Kimerie Mapletoft Director of Silent Unity and Daily Word UK ![]() Rev. Kimerie Mapletoft writes….. With all that is happening in the UK and worldwide, Unity in the UK is doing even more to affirm and know our spiritual comfort, strength, guidance and healing, within and beyond our community. We have been holding all in prayer since this began and our prayers continue. Indeed it is more important than ever to come together in prayer, sharing and developing our spiritual practice that builds our human connections and deepens our connection with God in the midst of us. Together we stand strong in faith, in and through every experience, knowing God IS our strength, help and support. GOD IS STILL GOOD. Our prayer line and ministry continue to work, undaunted and faith-filled, supporting every person individually and everyone’s prayer life as a whole. We will also continue to build our vital online, live-streamed services: offering classes, workshops, and providing prayer services, open to all every single day of the week. All these manifest and celebrate the spiritual connection, which gives us our name: Unity. We continue to receive calls, emails and letters and will respond to them all. Our faith in God is, if anything, even greater, for we know that in every situation we turn to God first. And God as good is always here. We will also of course be continuing to mail out our bi-monthly Daily Word and Unity Magazine, doing the very best we can to get it to you on time. Look out for more updates on the website. And be assured, our prayers and faith remain undaunted and faith filled. Join us. To email our prayer ministry: [email protected] To call the prayer ministry: 01628 628916. Love and blessings to you all, Kimerie |
February 2025
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