As far as I can explain it, we are all One, abiding within one energy field, which we can call God, substance, Divine Mind: whatever term works best for you. Because we are connected within this subtle energy field, we notice or feel each other’s energy. Sometimes this feels good and sometimes it really doesn’t! I am sure you have experienced this for yourself. Because there is only love in this blessing of release, it releases any negative pull or expectation I may have on the other person. This enables them to feel free and make a loving and wise decision for themselves. It also frees me to make wise and loving decisions as well. Some people are in our lives for a long time and others are not. Do you have a situation or relationship in your life that is causing tension? You may like to you use this blessing for 21 days. Speak it from your heart. Really let them go with love. Then see what happens. Truly, this is a gift you give to the world. Rev. Kimerie Mapletoft Director of Silent Unity and Daily Word UK
Recently I woke up at 2.30am, and, unable to sleep, wrote the following words, inspired by a Richard Rohr book, Immortal Diamond.
Once more, my mind had engaged in its chatter – grabbing my attention now that I was quiet. I found myself unable to rest back into sleep. However, I also recognised that my mind (ego-self) was into self-attack mode. It sounds heavy, but the voice was saying; must do this better, work harder, express myself clearer, get all these jobs done etc. I realised that unconsciously I was making myself wrong, subtly but effectively. In fact it reminded me of comments I would get from some of my teachers at school – could do better! My mind is always telling me – you could do better. Phew. As if there is not enough going on without this subtle voice in my head, kicking off at night-time. What I recognised, which was a blessing and release, was that when I allow this to happen, and focus on fixing my humanity (or someone else’s), I am not practising the silence; I am not focused on God as good. Yet this is the key to our awakening, or salvation. When we focus on God within, through and as us, when we open our minds and hearts in silent awe and reverence, to the majesty and mystery of God, we are changed. Instead of me trying to work harder, be clearer, kinder etc., I find I do this naturally and experience God as my source of clarity, confidence and ability. It is good to be the best that we can be. However, when we strive, thinking ‘I have to fix me’, we are in the way of our goodness flowing. When we surrender into Divine Heart, into love and wisdom, we are uplifted, renewed, restored into our true nature, our Christ nature, and the good for everyone naturally flows. As my dear friend, Isabel used to say, ‘we are being done’! Therefore, I encourage myself, and you, to stop trying to fix ourselves to be better. The ego-mind will keep us here forever. Instead, practice opening, softening and melting into God Mind/Heart. Allow yourself to make this inner divine connection and notice how you begin to respond. It is the pure activity of God in us, as us, that changes us. Rev Kimerie Mapletoft Director of Silent Unity and Daily Word UK "My inner light, my divine identity, is being revealed" ![]() Do you know the true story about a Buddhist monastery that thought they had a clay Buddha statue, only to discover that it was a beautiful solid gold statue, that had been covered up to protect it from marauders many centuries ago. It is a powerful story with many meanings. Re-reading the story recently, I realised once more that we, as children, all cover up our inner light to keep ourselves safe, to a greater or lesser extent. Because of the confusion and painful experiences we have, not understanding that our parents and guardians know no better themselves, we protect ourselves against the world that seems to be against us. And at the time it was the right thing to do, because we did it. We all need to feel safe. However, after a while, we may come to see we no longer need to cover up our inner light and being. As we begin to chip away at the old beliefs and feelings that no longer serve us, we begin to connect with our inner being, our divinity. Here our inner light naturally shines, our old ways of being can be released and we grow into our wise, kind, courageous and compassionate selves that we really are. We allow our divine and human identities to more beautifully merge. Are you willing and excited at the idea of releasing the old identity and connecting with the loving, wise presence within you? If you are, then the forthcoming season of Lent is one that will help guide you more deeply through the process. Look out for more details about how you can join us through Lent. For we are on this journey of discovery and awakening together. Full story of the Buddha statue Rev Kimerie Mapletoft Director of Silent Unity and Daily Word UK New to Daily Word? Order your free copy here. In every moment, we automatically seek balance. This is true for the baby as it learns to crawl and walk – the child learning to ride a bike – in our latter years perhaps using a stick. Indeed all structures, including ships on the water, need balance to stay upright and secure. Life seeks and requires balance. At another level, the natural cycle of birth and death is an expression of balance – life makes way for the new. We see this when the leaves fall off the tree each autumn, providing food for the soil to support the tree as it grows in the spring – life progresses and evolves through this natural process. The tree drops its leaves to rest, so it can more fully take up the nutrients from the ground in the warmer weather. Further, they do this in co-operation with each other, supporting each other through their roots and leaves. Taking our cue from nature, we can witness that we are evolving too, as we seek balance in the expression of our humanity and divinity. For most of us, it is unhealthy to sit in meditation all day every day, or continuously strive and stress. We need and seek balance between work and rest and play. We take time to pray and meditate, then follow this with guided action, to do what is ours to do in support of all life, not just ourselves. Nature surrenders to the seasons and lets the natural order flow. We do so much better, when we surrender our purely human ‘me-first’ needs, to connect with the universal flow of greater good that is always here for us all. Therefore, although I often speak and write about surrender, encouraging us to let go into Presence, this is purely to allow the divine flow easy expression through us and as us, so that right action can follow. For whenever we surrender whatever is in the way of us knowing our divine and beautiful natures, we are free to live authentic and creative lives, which bless us and those around us. Further, as we seek balance in ourselves, old wounds can be healed, whether emotional, mental or physical. As we let God be God in us, our pain is dissolved and we are able to help others heal. So this autumn, as we watch nature ‘do its thing’ without any resistance whatsoever, let us also seek our own balance. Let us take time to rest and play, to be quiet and still, knowing that as we then step forward to act, Spirit is working through us to heal and restore us, each other and our world. Rev. Kimerie Mapletoft
Reading the Daily Word for yesterday, 26th September, two lines in particular really grabbed my attention.
First: I yield to possibility. In Unity we talk a lot about letting go and letting God. Indeed it was Unity that introduced me to this practice. Yet so often, our minds do not like anything about this statement. Surely we know what is needed? It is up to us to sort things out ... This was certainly what I was taught as a child. Yet, working within Unity's prayer line, it has become so obvious to me that none of us know what is the very best outcome for ourselves, let alone anyone else! This idea of yielding to possibilities really opens the door in our minds to the good that is here yet not always seen. What an exciting prospect. There is more good here for all of us than we can possibly know. The first step is to yield to this truth. For God, as universal good, is here for all of us. The second: We are creating the space for "the dynamic creative energy of Spirit to inspire and surprise us". Perhaps even delight us ... We do take action of course. After yielding to possibility, and letting the activity of God as good for all of us express through us, anything is possible. This is the understanding that keeps me positive; for me and everyone on this planet. When we work together for the good of all, great things can happen. What wonder and joy is this. Rev. Kimerie Mapletoft Director of Silent Unity and Daily Word UK New to Daily Word? Order your free copy here. |
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