This year the theme is, “No matter the circumstance, all is well with my soul.” These words are true, no matter what is happening in our lives. Yes, we live with human tragedies. However, when we take time to get still and let go with quiet faith into God’s presence, we experience new guidance, love, healing and inner peace. We discover that we know what to do and how to do it, and can move forward with strength, faith, compassion and wisdom.
Personally, I know that time spent in prayer and meditation reconnects us with our good. We experience how powerfully we are supported when we turn our thoughts to God in quiet faith. This healing presence is always active in us and the world. And when we make space in our minds and hearts to look, we find and receive. It really does help us cope with a challenge or problem we may be experiencing or witnessing. As Emmett Fox wrote in 1931 in The Golden Key: if we are thinking about the problem, we are not thinking about God. When we are not thinking about God, our minds and hearts struggle to tune into the goodness of God that is always here in the midst of us. But when we do connect with Spirit, we discover the deeper truth: that we are unique and loved, human beings and spiritual beings, with our own qualities to share with the world. And so, knowing this as our truth, we here at Silent Unity UK hold a vigil of continuous prayer from 9am to 9pm on the World Day of Prayer. You can join us, even if for just a few moments; either sitting by yourself or, for anyone who has access to the internet, Zoom will enable you to connect with us online and experience the power of group prayer. To join us, click on the form online. Here you will find all the details you need to join us online via Zoom. And you can also add to this form details of any names you want held in prayer. We will call out all the names shared with love and faith throughout the day. You can also commit to joining us in prayer at a time that most suits you. If you have not experienced prayer with Unity before, this day is the perfect time to start. And I am sure that if you have experienced affirmative prayer with us, you will already know what a blessing this can be. Let us come together on 9th September to share in the power of group affirmative prayer to know, “No matter the circumstance, all is well with my soul.” Rev. Kimerie Mapletoft
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February 2025
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