I am enough; you are enough; we are enough. Do you, like me, sometimes put a lot of mental pressure on yourself, or take on the cares of the world? It is all too easy to let this pressure take us over and then feel exhausted, especially if there is a lot going on in our lives, as there is for many of us right now.
However, when we let ourselves rest in the thought and feeling of I am enough and let the rest go, the ‘enough’ in us grows without pressure or force and Grace shines through. Right now, whatever is happening in your life or around you, take time to surrender into peace, by easing into and through any turbulent thoughts or feelings, to land in the Grace and peace that is God as the Ground of Being, here, in your midst. Daily Word put it beautifully recently: Fearful or anxious energy is like a lake’s choppy waves on a windy day. The serenity of my soul is like the water at depth that always remains calm and still. The peace that passes all understanding is always here, underneath and within the activities of the world, when we look for it. For this peace lies within us. Thus the invitation is, with faith, move through the discomfort without identifying with it. Practice, I let go and let God, and God as Grace and peace will emerge. You are enough. Rev. Kimerie Mapletoft, Director of Silent Unity and Daily Word UK Are you new to Unity and would like to know more about prayer in Unity? Visit our prayer resources page. We also have a wealth of booklets and books on the subject! PS Please share this with anyone whom you think may receive it.
Brought up in traditional Christianity, I was taught that as human beings, we are sinners who must keep apologising for our mistakes, with Jesus as the only son of God. Is this a message you heard, or continue to relate to?
Those of you who have been reading these weekly thoughts, know that I rejected church as a child, as I rejected this ethos. Even as a teenager, I believed we are all beloved of God, all children of God and here to somehow find God in our personal experience. I moved into the practice of meditation, although struggled to keep my mind silent and still, let alone sitting cross-legged on the floor for longer than five minutes! When I came into Unity, messages like the one today were not just mind and heart-opening, they shifted me entirely. Here at last was an organisation that was expanding my thinking and experience - opening me into a way of life and living that would 'set me free'. Set me free from what? From my little self. I invite you this week, to use this affirmation as an 'I am' statement: I am the vehicle through which God-awareness flows. Write it down in your journal and spend a few minutes each day writing your thoughts that flow from this one. They could be anything from, 'no way is this true' to the deep realisation that Jesus taught us all: 'The father and I are one'. Just sit, keep writing and see what comes forth from within you. Make this personal and real for you. Jesus came to show us the way for us to have our own personal experience of God - and to know, as author and Unity minister Eric Butterworth wrote: Within every person is the unborn possibility of limitless growth, and ours is the privilege of giving birth to it. (Celebrate Yourself) In his letter to the Colossians Paul wrote it this way: ... the mystery hidden for ages and generations... which is Christ in you, the hope of glory (1:26,27) Rev. Kimerie Mapletoft, Director of Silent Unity and Daily Word UK Are you new to Unity and would like to know more? We have a wealth of booklets and books on the subject! |
October 2024
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