In the April Sunday Service Rev. Kimerie Mapletoft shared a talk inspired by the film The Man from La Mancha. Watch the full talk here followed by a guided meditation.
I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
What does this very familiar and beautiful Gospel verse really mean for us today as we practise living an authentic, spiritual way of life in our rapidly transforming world? This statement in the Gospel of John, known to many as the mystical Gospel, takes us deeper into truth, and the qualities that Jesus taught, through the ‘I am’ statements, that apply to all of us. For in Unity, we understand that the early followers of Jesus would have heard and read this statement as, do what I do, love as I love, and you will know God. Certainly, his disciples heard this powerful message, for they followed with healings, teachings and miracles. It would be amazing if we could all pick up this message and do the same. Some have. History shows that the dominant Christian message became the idea that we must follow Jesus as the only Son of God, making him the exception, instead of the example. Yet, when we claim the idea that we can do as Jesus did, we can love as Jesus loved, for we are all one with God, then we, too, will know God, here as the good for us all. Making this turn-around is dramatic and life changing. For suddenly we realise the power is within us – we are all divine – we are all children of God. We too have the same qualities as Jesus; can know God is here, with and for everyone, as healing love and truth. These ideas reflect two of our basic Unity principles: There is only one presence and power in the Universe, God, as good, and we are one with God. A powerful affirmation to repeat daily is, “I am one with God. God is one with me.” Then rest in the silence to receive what this means for you. The powerful message to add to this is humility. Jesus was humble of mind and heart. He never sought to glorify himself, only his Father, working through him. When we take time to surrender our own personal will and desires for just our own good, and instead desire good for everyone equally because we recognise that we are all divine, all beloved of God, our life experiences will change – perhaps even dramatically. I believe that when we make this message our own, we will respond with greater love and respect in all our relationships; with ourselves, each other, our planet earth and all life upon it. Through the current pandemic, we have been shown that the old way no longer works. We cannot live just for our own good. Indeed, it is time to stop abusing ourselves, each other and life on our planet. We only do this because we feel so isolated, cut off and alone, that we act out of fear, lack and greed. Instead, as we connect with the divinity within us, we come to realise we are all here together to live, love, honour and respect the many ways God is expressing here, in and through all forms. Yes, there are times we all struggle; we all experience pain and loss. Yet as we make the decision to let Jesus be our example, our guide, when we do as Jesus did and let in the deeper experience of our oneness with God, which is always here beneath the pain, we will discover the love and divinity within us all: God expressing through us. In this way, we are changed, our lives will change and we will experience greater harmony, peace and joy on earth. Rev. Kimerie Mapletoft Director of Silent Unity and Daily Word UK P.S. With our forthcoming retreat and education classes starting, plus our ongoing prayer groups, study groups, Sunday services, Daily Word booklet and prayer ministry, there are many ways you can connect with us to discover the power that lies within us all – to honour and know wholeness and oneness as our truth of being.
Daniel Nahmod is an inspirational singer/songwriter, producing his own profound, heart-opening music. His music is enjoyed all over the world and his media appearences include The Super Bowl, The Voice, Saturday Night Live and The Today Show.
Daniel's CD's include Sacred Love 1 and 2 and he has sold over 110,000 CDs ( and 10,000 printed songbooks) . His messages of peace, love and compassion reach across all faiths and he has worked with inspirational speakers such as Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra and Neal Donald Walsh. Here at Unity in the Uk we love playing Daniel's music at our events and are delighted to have the opportunity to hear him sing live! Those joining us for our May home retreat have free entry to the concert. Plus anyone else can book for the concert with a suggested donation of £5- £10. Book your ticket here
February 2025
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