I agree with Steve. I must admit, repeating an affirmation 50 times to make me believe something, is a struggle for me. I believe it is not about forcing a new idea down into me to change me – I believe it is about allowing the divine flow to rise up within me and pour forth from me. For we are now and always one with God-energy, Source, substance – it is already here and now. We are simply tuning into the energy, as we tune into a radio station to hear clearly.
Eric Butterworth in the introduction to his book, Spiritual Economics, writes that wealth is not about pounds and dollars; it is about well-being, which is such a beautiful, feeling-full word. Prosperity is not about having lots of stuff! Prosperity is about moving forward hopefully. To this, I would add positively and with faith. For us in Unity, prosperity, abundance, is about spiritual well-being – it incorporates a wholeness approach: A whole experience of life and healing, loving relationships, harmony, peace, fulfilment. Therefore, we talk about shifting our thinking, our consciousness, to align with the divine flow. Instead of focusing on getting more money, more things, better people into our lives, we practice lifting our awareness, our thinking, so that we know we abide within the divine flow. This is when we really experience, as Jesus knew and taught, that we live in an abundant universe, where every need and more is met. The thing about this last point, of course, is that this is not about just my need. It is about knowing, and thereby living, within the understanding that there is more than enough for everyone. When we start to live with each other in a way where every person is honoured, respected and valued, every person is then free to share their wisdom, creativity, skills and knowledge and we are all blessed. Moreover, not just human beings, but also all of life is honoured, respected, valued, enriched and blessed. What a prosperous way to live! Let us value and respect ourselves, each other and our planet. Let us shift our awareness, our consciousness, into the divine flow. For as we do, we will all experience greater abundance, prosperity and wealth, through the true meaning of these words.
It was also good to discover how people came to Unity. After I shared a little about how Paul and I discovered Unity, we divided everyone into small groups of 2 or 3 people, to share their own unique stories of how they came to Unity. Some stories were similar, and others very different. Such is life of course. We wanted the time to be informal and friendly, sharing ideas and personal experiences, and it was definitely that! Already in this short time we have begun to learn more about each other and ourselves. Then the discussion went a little deeper, as I spoke about how Unity is described as Practical Christianity. It has to be something that is real, something we can do in our lives, to find deeper meaning, fulfilment, joy and peace. I had intended the second breakout room to be general – what did they think about the idea of practical Christianity, connected with the idea that Jesus is our example and guided, not an exception to worship from afar. However the discussion ended up being more about sharing what practical things they did in their lives to support and enable themselves. A good discussion to have of course. I have noticed that meetings often do change when we are open to what wants to be experienced in that moment. We have an idea when we begin, but the meeting demands something different and the discussion goes another way. The lovely people who showed up all seemed to get something out of the meeting. For sure, the hour went by really quickly. I look forward to meeting more folk this way and exploring how Unity ideas bless our lives. This meet up was part of our Friends of Unity scheme, a monthly membership of £5 which includes special zoom sessions, a library of meditations, talks and a Daily Word digital membership. For more details click here
As far as I can explain it, we are all One, abiding within one energy field, which we can call God, substance, Divine Mind: whatever term works best for you. Because we are connected within this subtle energy field, we notice or feel each other’s energy. Sometimes this feels good and sometimes it really doesn’t! I am sure you have experienced this for yourself. Because there is only love in this blessing of release, it releases any negative pull or expectation I may have on the other person. This enables them to feel free and make a loving and wise decision for themselves. It also frees me to make wise and loving decisions as well. Some people are in our lives for a long time and others are not. Do you have a situation or relationship in your life that is causing tension? You may like to you use this blessing for 21 days. Speak it from your heart. Really let them go with love. Then see what happens. Truly, this is a gift you give to the world. Rev. Kimerie Mapletoft Director of Silent Unity and Daily Word UK Join us in the comfort of your own home; take a few moments in your day wherever you are; to connect in silent prayer. Join us on Zoom and share the energy of united prayer in a very real way.
We will hold a vigil of prayer from 9am-9pm, holding the silence and sharing meditations throughout the day. Send us names to hold in prayer with you. It is our honour and privilege to connect with you in this powerful way.
I trust in the evolutionary impulse of loving goodness In Unity, we describe faith as more than believing: It is an inner knowing. Charles Fillmore, our co-founder, taught that faith is our foundation, from which we experience our lives. Today, if we listen to all the news we may have faith in a declining economy, struggle, debt and lack. Not very inspiring or helpful, is it. How do we turn this around? Our practice in Unity is to spend time each day in prayer, meditation and silence. It is here we come to know God in a real and personal way, yet also active as a constant, unchanging and limitless energy. We ‘persevere in faith’ and practice. Why? Because as we make space for God-awareness and experience, we are changed and our lives change. It is a powerful process and one that blesses all of life. Truthfully – we have to start somewhere! Let us use our faculty of faith to tune in to the loving goodness of God. Trust that God is evident as an evolutionary impulse working through all of life, inviting us to awaken into our divinity, lived through our humanity. My lovely friend and Unity teacher, Isabel Compton, used to say, ‘we are being done’. I must admit I struggled with this idea at first. Now, when I let God as the impulse of loving goodness express through and as me, I begin to experience Life as an evolutionary impulse that is drawing all of life into a deeper awareness of oneness and wholeness. Life is changing everywhere. Let us see this change positively as evolution. Let us use our faith to tune into life as an evolutionary impulse of loving goodness working through us. Then we will show up in a way that others may know this too. How is the evolutionary impulse of loving goodness expressing through you? For as you seek it, you will find it. Enjoy the journey. |
February 2025
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