As I listen to the radio, already they are playing Christmas songs. Even though November feels much too early for me, the songs do bring about a sense of cheer and upliftment - well mostly! Which is a good thing. As, for many of us, the year has been a difficult one, with perhaps the thought: how will this change, how can I get through this, when will life get better? It is all too easy to feel bogged down, especially when the news focuses on problems far more than solutions and all the good things that are happening. As I reflect on this, especially at this time of year, I believe that something new wishes to be born in us. Life is offering us the opportunity to live in a new way, respond in a new way and serve in a new way. The old ways of living, of exploitation, greed and ‘my needs must be met ahead of yours’, is calling to be changed. This, in many ways, is what Jesus represents; it is certainly how he lived. As a Jew, he was born into a time when their lives were under strict commandments and laws, 613 to be precise. However, any laws, if lived without love, are meaningless. In Matthew 5:17 it is written that Jesus told his disciples, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets; I have not come to abolish but to fulfil.” So how do we fulfil the law? With love and wisdom. Seeking to connect with each other and with life in a way where all can be honoured, respected and blessed. This was Jesus’ ministry and it can be ours as well. As we prepare for Christmas through this season of Advent, to celebrate the birth of Jesus and, as we describe in Unity, the re-birth of the Christ energy within us, we can ask of ourselves, ‘What wants to be born anew in me?’ Take a moment to think about this for yourself. Pausing in our lives, as the Advent season invites us to do, makes space for us to hear the still small voice of God and feel the love that is God, encouraging us and guiding us. Perhaps there is the desire in you to open your heart more fully with compassion and insight … perhaps there is the desire in you to learn something new to help you serve in a new way … perhaps there is a desire in you to reconnect with the land in a way that is harmonious, inclusive, caring, nurturing and wise. Whatever it is, God, as the Christ light and energy, is seeking to be born in us, just as this energy was born and lived through Jesus. It may feel like a huge call. However, as we take small steps to enable this, our whole planet will come back into balance and harmony, because we will be living in balance and harmony with each other and ourselves. So, what wants to be born in you this Christmas? Take time to pray, reflect, listen and realise the Truth that abides in you and how you can live that Truth in your own unique and amazing way. I know, because you are reading these words, that you are making space even now to know this. My friends, may your Advent season be a time of renewal through faith, peace, love and joy. In addition, may each one of us know the birth of the Christ energy in us more deeply than ever before. This is the calling. Let us each respond. Have a beautiful and blessed Christmas.
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Have you had the experience of someone saying ‘I will pray for you’ because something is wrong and needs fixing? Or experienced someone telling you what you should do, or know, in a certain situation? If you have, you may well become defensive, resentful and push away any of the kindness that may be there. Any implied criticism is not prayer – it is fixing, even if we think we have someone’s good in our heart. However, when prayer is the simple gift of unconditional love; when we recognise that in the midst of human suffering, here is God also, and hold them in the powerful, yet tender, light and love of God, this message of love and support reaches them. In my twenty years of service in Unity’s prayer ministry, this is always the most effective way of prayer. It connects, it loves; it heals us all. Therefore, whenever we have a concern, whether for another or ourselves, let prayer be the silent gift of unconditional love that heals, harmonises, uplifts and restores. In Unity we call this ‘praying from the consciousness of God’. That is, not dwelling on a problem or person who needs sorting out, or changed in some way, but in recognition of our Oneness with Pure Being, abiding here with all of us, as our constant source of love, light and healing. As we take time to let go into the Divine as Pure Love and Wisdom, and open our hearts to All That Is, we truly relax, receive and know the blessings of God. From this experience of Peace, Love, Insight, we can hold our loved ones in this energy and know, without any sense of anxiety, the highest truth for them as well – they are beloved of God, and one with their good, without dictating what that good is. Let us share the gift of love with another through Silent Unity, our prayer ministry, and feel the unconditional gift of love and support we can experience together. “If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.” 1 Corinthians 13:2 Rev Kimerie Mapletoft Director of Silent Unity and Daily Word UK
Yet the good news is that as we begin to accept our humanity, our foibles, mistakes and errors for what they are, our experience as human beings, learning and growing in a human body, we can move beyond identifying with these errors and claim our divinity. We will be able to say with joy that I am, and you are, a beautiful, creative, inspiring being; a blessing in the world.
The invitation, in all of this, is for every single one of us to accept our differences, our human mistakes and experiences, to help us see through and beyond them to Spirit that shines brightly within, whenever we open the door to this experience. As we accept our humanity, we can claim our divinity. So what can you do this week to deepen the connection with Spirit in you and in those around you? Rev Kimerie Mapletoft Director of Silent Unity and Daily Word UK I often use this statement to help me feel strengthened and connected, through faith, with all that is good and true.
It is my reminder to reconnect with the nurturing strength and power of Mother Nature along with the ever-present wellspring of Divine life, love, strength and peace that is flowing in, through and out of me, into the world. When we feel connected to our Source of goodness, whether described as God, Presence or Universal Love, we find we can withstand whatever is happening around us, or within us, because there is a presence and power here to guide, uplift and transform us. Jesus is the perfect example of this. Whenever I feel knocked around by life or people, I take a moment to breathe and get still, feel my feet on the ground or earth and breathe in the earth energy up through my feet, to fill me as strength and well-being. Then I focus on the flow of divine light and love, as it were coming in through my head and out through my feet into the earth. Connected in this way, a conduit of energy, I am filled, able to beam love and wisdom out through my heart to those around me. It is a simple technique, but easy and so effective. Next time you feel knocked off course, try this exercise and let me know how you get on. If you have other techniques that help you, please email me for us to share on our blog post. I look forward to hearing from you. Rev Kimerie Mapletoft Director of Silent Unity and Daily Word UK |
January 2025
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