I am really grateful for the structure the seasons give to my life. As I emulate the cycles of the year within my spiritual journey, I feel constantly moving, flowing, growing. Before I started working this way, I found myself often feeling stuck. Knowing what I needed to do but feeling overwhelmed as to where to start. Synchronising myself with the natural order of nature has helped me greatly. Its seems obvious now when I say it – I start at the beginning and finish at the end – and then start all over again, but for me it really was a revelation. In times of chaos, it has helped me find a clear sense of what is mine to do.
Spring time - Gentle awakening. Rebirth. Sowing of spiritual seeds. Research. Planning and preparation. Summer time – Work and play. Rejoicing! Living in the moment. Renewing my social connections. Getting out of my comfort zone. Growing and learning. Autumn time – Like the leaves I release and let go. I harvest and take stock of what I have learned this year. Sorting the wheat from the chaff. Shaking off any dead wood that I don’t wish to take forward. Winter time - Rest and renewal. Hibernation and self-reflection. Slowing everything down to a snail’s pace. I stop and go within. I also implement this routine into my daily schedule. Dawn, day, evening and night. It may seem restrictive but it helps me to keep moving forward. It helps me to be productive but also allows for a balanced amount of down time. I try to remain flexible. Of course, I can make jam in January; of course, I can accept social invites at Christmas; of course, I can hunker down and have radio silence in the middle of June. However, for the times when I doubt, when I’m not sure what it is I’m supposed to be doing, the cycles help me reset my focus and take my next step forward. Stef Bridges Unity administrator
When I first came to Unity in 2002, we only ever met in person – there was no such thing as Zoom and online meetings. Looking back, I am deeply grateful for the opportunities we had to meet together at Unity House in Maidenhead for our services and study classes and for the other Unity centres and groups around the UK; for the four retreats held each year and that I was able to go to Unity Village in the US and study there. I formed many friendships this way and felt the support offered, not just by the Unity teachings, but also from the people who made up Unity. How very important this was. Today, I highly value these friendships and the people who continue to encourage and support me, just as I do my best to support and encourage others on this path. How different life is now that we all meet on Zoom. Please, do not misunderstand me. I am very grateful for Zoom, for we are building relationships and friendships around the UK and around the world in a very positive new way. Yet I recognise this is not the same as being together in person. Somehow that forms deeper bonds that support us on our spiritual journey; something we all need. When our lives get tough and challenging, as they will from time to time, we need each other, the friendships and understanding we offer that support and encourage us, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. I appreciate that attending a Unity retreat is not feasible for everyone. They are amazing experiences, yet travelling a long distance may not be possible for you. However, if you can get to Birmingham, Saturday 27th July, for Unity’s Celebration Day, you will have the opportunity to meet others in Unity who walk a path of faith and action, a path that is perhaps similar to yours and mine. This July we will be celebrating one hundred years of Daily Word, giving you the opportunity to meet other Daily Word readers, perhaps some of whom you have already met on Zoom. Are you studying in Unity? Come and meet other students on the path with you. Come and meet some of the leaders of Unity in the UK, and share food with us. This is what Jesus did in his travels around his country – he shared food and wine, teachings and messages of support. Let us do the same. Although I don’t promise wine, I do promise tea, coffee and cake! If you are looking to build new and lasting relationships with others on this spiritual path, come and meet us, share a hug perhaps, take part in the workshops offered and join in with the singing and meditations. Let us come together and celebrate being in Unity. Rev. Kimerie Mapletoft Director of Silent Unity and Daily Word UK
I suspect that this is because we have instructed our minds to protect us from everything we do not like in the world. This is such an impossible task: we do not even realise we are doing it. However, if you stop for a moment and notice your thoughts, you will see that the human mind justifies, avoids, blames and seeks to fix the world, trying to keep us safe. In Unity, we know this does not work, yet our mind continues, until we learn the practice of getting still and moving into the silence.
This is why meditation is so important and why I write about this again and again. I know how busy my mind can get, and how exhausting it can be if I let my mind run havoc with my thoughts. Enough already! At nearly 62 years young, I want freedom from these thoughts – I want to enjoy peace, love and all the amazing gifts this world has to offer, which is only possible when I get still and seek to go beyond these everyday thoughts to the ‘still, small voice within’. This power of choice is mine to make – I choose peace no matter what. In Mark 4, Jesus rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Peace. Be still!” The wind died down and the sea was completely calm. We can interpret the wind as the turbulent impact of the world around us, with the disciples fear reflecting our own fear and panic when we allow the world to dominate our thoughts and feelings. Jesus said to the wind, peace be still. It is up to us to say to ourselves, peace be still – it is something I find myself doing quite a lot! To help me refocus, I am learning to observe my responses: to step back from them and witness them, instead of being dominated by them. This inner witness or observer is my sacred self, my divine nature, not affected by the world or my thoughts about the world. It is the part of me that is constant, steady, a pure presence and awareness to which I can turn each day. It is from here that I know true joy, peace and freedom. I encourage everyone to stop, step back from their distracted minds, practice centring, getting still and aligning with their sacred self to find the peace within, especially with all that is happening in our world. It is such a simple thing to do – yet it is a skill we need to practice continually as we unlearn old responses and take on the new. Our minds and hearts always hold the solution – stillness and peace. In the stillness our hearts open and soften, our bodies relax and heal and our lives change, as we show up as peace in our world, guided to positive action. Jesus is our guide and example – let us pick up the mantle and choose peace. If you would like to share what has happened to you when choosing peace, please email us at Unity. We love hearing from you. Rev. Kimerie Mapletoft Director of Silent Unity and Daily Word UK What has this got to do with anything you may ask? For anyone who has ever held a grudge against someone, or felt wronged by someone and believes that they are holding their feelings inside (this includes me and most probably, all of us), it doesn't work. Our negative feelings affect everyone we come into contact with as well as ourselves.
So if you have these feelings, try and resolve them: Talk to the person, pray for them and yourself, but don't let them fester and poison your life. I hope this is useful. Angus Irons Unity student From Kimerie: Angus uses a simple yet profound affirmation in his prayer group Tuesday evenings and before our monthly Sunday service, inspired by Catherine Ponder: "Divine love is doing its perfect work in me and through me now. Divine love is doing its perfect work in you and through you now." Repeating this each day will help bring light, harmony, ease and right resolution to this world. ![]() What happens in you when you read this statement? Do you respond with Yes! Or No! Depending on your circumstances, your response will probably be quite strong either way. Yet Spirit will always lead us to the edges of our comfort zone, for as we move through fear, we discover it is here that we grow and expand. As Susan Jeffers wrote many years ago – feel the fear and do it anyway! Of course, it is one thing saying this and another to do it!
Yet when we affirm, ‘Divine guidance directs me wonderfully on my path’ it is helpful to know that our guidance will probably lead us out of our comfort zone. This has certainly been my experience. Speaking for myself, when I stay in my comfort zone, there is no growth or movement. It feels lovely for a while, but then I notice Divine energy fizzling out and I start to get restless and bored! Life is always calling us to grow and expand our thoughts and experiences of who and what we are. This means moving out of our comfort zone and feeling into our edges – the discomfort or fear that we feel here. As we feel into our fear, and gently breathe through it, it will change and we will discover there is so much more to us than we thought possible. It is important to know there are times when we must prioritise our safety. Anyone in a difficult or challenging relationship must do all they can to be safe. However, when we are ready to push through and open to new possibilities, be assured you will be supported, helped and enabled by the God-energy always with you. I encourage you, when life invites you to move out of your comfort zone, to stay with the discomfort: do not back down. As you breathe into the energy in your body, it will shift into excitement and even joy, for you are expanding into the divine possibilities that are here for you and coming through you. Enjoy the journey. Rev. Kimerie Mapletoft Director of Silent Unity and Daily Word UK
I also have my connection with the Divine. My pure and perfect spirit. Which, when I quiet my body, transcends the physical. Freely allowing the exchange of energy to pass through me. Renewing my partnership with God. Refilling my cup with spiritual wisdom. Imbuing my heart with perfect love and perfect trust.
Romans 5:5 “and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us” Then there is my physical body. Elements and chemicals derived from stardust across galaxies, across millennia. I really am made from the stars. What a miracle it is that I am me! That my cells are all pre-loaded to know exactly how to be a body. In fact - traces of me may well have been present at the beginning of all that we know. When light became light. Now that is pretty amazing and magical. Psalm 8:3-4 “When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established; what are humans that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them?” Well I guess in God’s eyes human beings are super awesome magical beings. All of us. Diverse, unique and amazing. I am. You are. We are. Let’s not forget it. Roald Dahl “And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.” Stefanie Bridges, Unity Office Adminstrator |
February 2025
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