Whatever you have planned, and whatever the weather, do take time out for some rest and renewal this month. Perhaps enjoy some summer reading. Our Unity booklets are easy to read; the articles share uplifting and supporting ideas and practices to help you stretch and grow into the beautiful being you are. Prices start at just £1.95 (including P&P). Click here to explore our website.
Here at Daily Word and Silent Unity UK headquarters, we are slowing down a little too. Our normal opening hours continue for the office and prayer line, alongside our morning and lunchtime meditations. However all weekend and evening meetings have been postponed until September – a month to relax a little, read, enjoy our countryside and each other’s company. We will also spend time giving our offices a deep clean, polish and shine – as we prepare to welcome you to our offices in Taplow at our Open Day Meet Up, Saturday 2nd September. We have been here for over 10 years and it has become a real home to our Daily Word and Prayer family. Do come along, meet each other and share in a meditation and celebration service in our prayer and meeting room. You may have seen us on Zoom – now come and see us in person! Whatever your plans this month, we are here for you. You can always reach out to us, night and day, to speak to us in person or listen to a supportive prayer message. With prayer in mind, our annual World Day of Prayer, Thursday 14th September is fast approaching. Make a note in your diary to join us. Click here to register and send us names of those you wish held in prayer. It is our honour and privilege to pray with you. Have a beautiful, blessed and restful month.
I am becoming!
As I became conscious of this in Unity, I felt it as a hand in my back, pushing me forwards. Of course, it enabled me to get out of my comfort zone and step up to be a qualified leader in Unity. Here I am now and I am grateful that I took these steps, as this work calls me to respond from my best Self. Further, as adults, we do strive for a career: a way to be valued and appreciated in this world. However, looking at the root cause of the thinking, this striving to do more, become more, was out of a feeling of lack – I am not good enough and need to prove that I am. From this viewpoint, or level of thinking, we are never enough. To help us know we have this belief, life around us will mirror it back to us. We experience people telling us we are not enough, even when they are not saying it! Now, in my maturity, instead of striving to do more, I seek to experience myself becoming more – more of my true spiritual self. Not out of a feeling of lack, but because of an inner yearning and desire to be free. This calls me to look at myself – my resistances to life: recognising when I want to avoid something, control a situation, or blame someone for something I am experiencing. The degree of discomfort measures how much I have to release and move through. That which we resist, persists. Still, I know from experience it is hardly ever easy! Yet I believe this desire to become more than we think we are, is in all of us. It is what set me on the spiritual path in the first place. It is why you are reading this. We all have a yearning to awaken, to remember who we are and be free: To release ‘the inner splendour’ that resides not only within us, but is the truth of us. Some people will not use these words. Not everyone says as we do in Unity – I am a spiritual being having human and spiritual experiences. Yet this call is within us all. I believe it is why we are here. The urging to do more and become more is Spirit working through us all the time. Every step taken, every decision made, has brought us here. Spirit works through us constantly with the gentle call to awaken. Let us hear the call to be free – to show up in the world as an awakened spiritual being, the Christ alive in us and as us, uniquely beautiful, radiant and shining the light so that all who hear the call can awaken too. Let us let The Christ within, set us free. Rev. Kimerie Mapletoft Director of Silent Unity and Daily Word UK Recently, in our classes and discussions, we have been talking about the importance of creating a safe place. Especially because of the high degree of anxiety that is being felt by so many people.
To help us, at the very beginning of our classes and meetings, we can know and affirm, The Christ in me beholds the Christ in you. As we consciously take this beautiful, radiant energy into our hearts and minds, we come to honour and respect each other more deeply. We allow each other to speak without advising or suggesting solutions. We listen without thinking about what we want to say next. We accept each other as we are. For we know there is so much more to us all than we may currently be identifying with. With our diverse cultures and backgrounds, we can learn so much from each other’s human experiences, when received with compassion and understanding. By listening without judgement, and keeping our awareness on the Divine Centre within us all, we create a place of safety in which we can bring our concerns, our doubts and fears. For when we feel heard, we find we can let them go. Now we can know that God is here; our good is here. We are spiritual beings as well. This practice is one that blesses everyone. What do you need to feel safe in your life right now? Reflect and journal on this. Then reflect on what you can do to create a place of safety for those around you and in your care. When we give to ourselves we can give to each other. Rev. Kimerie Mapletoft Director of Silent Unity and Daily Word UK
We begin with faith. Yet faith is much more than belief, wishing or hoping. Faith is innate knowing – I know that I know that God and I are one. Peter knew that Jesus was the son of the living God. (Mt. 16:16). It is time now for us all to know that we are expressions of the living God – God works in, through and as us. We are the hands and feet of God. A declaration indeed. Of course, faith is more than words, though we start here, speaking aloud words that reflect our faith. We then follow through with practice! Personally, my faith is deepened and made real by taking time in the silence and meditation. My words and practice take me deeper into my very spirit. That in me which knows its connection and oneness with God, with All That Is. We may begin our spiritual journey by wishing and hoping that we are all part of God – forever precious and loved. For most of us are not taught this as children. However, as we take time to sit quietly with our God, willing to make this divine connection conscious and real within us, God always shows up, for God is everywhere present – always here. Our faith asks that we practice being with God. As we do this, our experience of God, along with our faith, deepens and grows. This is our journey. How do you grow and develop your faith? For you are deeply loved and precious, here to reflect the goodness that God is, in this world. Rev. Kimerie Mapletoft Director of Silent Unity and Daily Word UK Watch a recent Thursday evening meditation using this affirmation of faith as our focus. |
January 2025
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