For our short video blog this month, Steve set me a question: What does Easter mean to Unity? Well, how to answer that in just a few minutes! Watch the YouTube video below and see my ‘on-the-spot’ reply. As I reflect a little more deeply (and speaking for myself as a minister in Unity as each of us will put this slightly differently) here are some of my thoughts today … The Easter story is for us today, not just for Jesus over 2000 years ago. To experience the abiding joy of resurrection and new life, we first experience a crucifixion, a deep letting go. In other words, we have to let go of who we think we are (a mortal body and mind that has a start and end date, with beliefs that we must uphold come what may) to be free to become who and what we really are: Eternal, immortal, beloved and one with God. Jesus’ messages were powerful: “Come, follow me” in the synoptic gospels – the invitation from Jesus to ‘walk my walk with me’. “The Father and I are one” (John 10:30) “Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these, because I am going to the Father.” John 14:12 For us in Unity, Jesus is our way-shower, our example. We live our lives doing our best to follow his teachings, believing the words he spoke are true for all of us, always. We all can know for ourselves our oneness with God, and serve in ways that bring forth the same love and wisdom he showed. After the resurrection and ascension, his early followers became people who followed ‘the way’. His teachings and ministry was something they made their own. As we seek to do in Unity today. Therefore, in Unity, the crucifixion and resurrection, as the culmination of Jesus’ life and work reflect:
Today of course, we do not experience crucifixion in physical form. Our crucifixion happens when we hold on tightly to ideas, beliefs and responses that are not of our true nature. The more tightly we hold onto our human pain (physical, mental or emotional) and identify with it, the more we suffer and the more we remain ‘on the cross’. Yet, this was not the ending of the Easter story; Resurrection is the outcome. It is the invitation to let go, completely, into the deep abiding presence of God and let our true nature shine forth. We can do it, because Jesus did. His was a physical experience, one for the world to witness. Ours is more a personal, inner journey. Yet just as powerful and meaningful – something to celebrate as we take our steps along our life journey to do this, one day at a time with love, compassion and understanding. So, does this answer reflect what Easter means to you? You may like to think about these words and dive more deeply into what Easter means to you. Make the experience meaningful, rest in the knowing of ‘The father and I are one’, let go into the divine – we are safe here, eternal beings in the mind/heart of God. Allow the beautiful resurrection of our true nature, our Christ nature, shine forth. Easter Services and MeditationsYou are invited to join our services and meditations online through out Lent and leading up to Easter
Weekly Lent Meditations Thursdays at 8.30pm on zoom, Using the Unity Lent booklet as our guide we will relax into a shared meditation together. Free, all warmly welcome. Join us on zoom Maundy Thursday, 6th April, 8.30-9pm An evening meditation including our spiritual preparation for Easter Please bring a candle to light and a bowl of warm water and towel to wash and dry your hands Led by Rev Kimerie Mapletoft, Director of Silent Unity and Daily Word UK Join on zoom Good Friday, 7th April, 8.30-9pm An evening meditation, reflecting on the 7 last words or phrases of Jesus on the cross, as recorded in the Gospels, to help us forgive, release and make real the power of the crucifixion for us. Led by Rev Kimerie Mapletoft, Director of Silent Unity and Daily Word UK Join on zoom Easter Sunday, 9th April, 10-10.45am Join us in prayer, meditation and song, in celebration of the risen Christ in us Led by Rev’s Kimerie and Paul Mapletoft, Silent Unity and Daily Word UK Join on zoom Would you like to begin your week with an inspiring email?Click here to sign up for our Thought for the Week email list
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