The Sufis say the heart is the bridge between Heaven and Earth. In each holy moment, when we are present to our humanity and the turbulence around us, with kindness, compassion and peace, without identifying with the turbulence or making it ours, we can connect into our divinity. We have made space to experience the perfect activity of God, as our love, life, wisdom, joy and peace. It is beautiful, freeing, healing and uplifting.
I suggest finding this centre point within us is one of the keys to living a happy and fulfilled life. How do we do this? This is the big question … Gary Simmons, in his book, The ‘I’ of the Storm, writes in his introduction – no one is against us. No one is against us. This statement can stop many of us in our tracks, as our experience often seems to suggest that the whole world is against us! However, take a few moments to reflect on this statement … No one is against us. What arises in you when reading this? … In Unity we talk about Oneness all the time – The Father and I are one; we are one with God, with nature and with each other. From this point of oneness, how can anyone be against us – there is only one energy here. Moreover, that energy is inviting us, in each holy moment, to awaken into our True Nature; to allow healing and integration of the wounds from our past, individually and collectively, so we can really experience this oneness we talk about all the time! I believe we are all on this journey. I write and share about it often for I recognise this as my journey. Our divine inheritance, as Gary writes, is to realise and claim our divine nature as a beloved creation (expression) of God. I make this claim for me and for you, and invite you to claim this for yourself. To support us on this journey, we are offering you the opportunity to join our next Unity online class, “The Peaceful Process” using Gary’s book as our guide. Together we will find peace in the midst of conflict, calmness in the midst of turbulence; and we will discover we are more than the result of our human experiences – we are spiritual beings awaking into our truth. Walk this journey with us. It is a powerful one – it changes us and we will support each other throughout the process. As we say in Unity, when we change, our experience of the world changes too. We find we are spiritual warriors, walking the path of peace. Would you like to begin your week with an inspiring email?Click here to sign up for our Thought for the Week email list
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September 2024
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