Yet, so often, life can get in the way of this, asking more and more from us. It is easy to end up feeling burnt out, exhausted or depleted in some way. The last thing we remember to do is find time for ourselves, at the one point we most need to. If you are experiencing something like this right now, take a moment to stop and just breathe … When I realised at the end of last year that I was feeling depleted and in need of time out, I requested a Sabbatical, which our Board, bless them, approved very quickly. As I write this article, I am preparing to go away for a month to relaxing North Devon, to enjoy the scenery, air and space of the West Country.
To be truthful, it took a lot for me to request this. However, I feel relieved that I recognised my need and spoke up when I did, and I am extremely grateful to our Board. Further, I also recognise that this is an example of self-care, encouraging others to do the same. Especially if there is an emotional response to this! I love my work in Unity and all that I do here. I receive so much from being of service. It is one of the joys of being a Unity Minister. Yet, because as a child, I developed a strong sense of responsibility and the idea that I must work hard for my living, I found myself taking on more and more work, without making enough space for myself to rest and renew. Perhaps you resonate with this as well. Like me, you might love what you do and find it hard to say no to more work. Yet we can find a way to do this, as Pure Being, the Christ energy within us, never asks us to do anything that removes our health and peace. The opposite is true. Does this article resonate with you? If so, how can you practice self-care? What can you do for yourself that lifts your heart with joy and peace? Reflect on this for a moment … Acknowledge your desire for this. Then acknowledge any self-talk that tries to talk you out of it … This is not Christ within talking. Anything that lifts your heart and mind is only ever for the good for you and those around you. The mental chatter that criticises and condemns is the human personality that operates out of ‘not good enough’ ‘must work harder’ etc. Take some time this month, especially during this season of Lent, for self-care. Like me, you may take up childhood pleasures like colouring, doing a jigsaw, cross-stitching, walking, reading, journaling. Whatever it is – you are important enough and worthy enough to give yourself this gift. Because as you do, you will be rewarded with a deeper sense of connection to your True Self and enable a beautiful Easter experience of upliftment and ease. Rev. Kimerie Mapletoft Would you like to begin your week with an inspiring email?Click here to sign up for our Thought for the Week email list
Philip Wilkinson
1/3/2023 08:08:28 am
Thank you dear Kimerie, for this honest sharing of your own life. All you say resonates deeply for me.
31/3/2023 06:06:39 pm
Thank you Joseph. I spent the time being really present to each peaceful moment. It is something I highly recommend to you and to everyone. Enjoy your own time of self-care. 31/3/2023 06:05:19 pm
Thank you, Philip, for your warm words and blessings. My sabbatical was a time of great self-care and rest. There is not doubt, that in this busy world of ours, we must also look after our self. As a wise person once wrote, we cannot give away what we do not have. From self-care and love, comes the easy flow of care and love to others.
Nuala J Sikorski
1/3/2023 11:29:28 am
💐🕊Thank you dear Kimerie
31/3/2023 06:08:14 pm
How wise you are, Nuala. The world teaches us to be busy and take our worth from outside us. When Spirit teaches to go within. And we can only really do this in times of quiet, rest and peace. Tale the time you need to look after yourself. You deserve it.
Peter Brown
1/3/2023 01:37:26 pm
Bless you Kimerie and enjoy a well needed break.
31/3/2023 06:08:47 pm
Thank you Peter. Your blessings are much appreciated.
Chantal Côté
1/3/2023 02:26:52 pm
Thank you Kimerie. I wish i could come to Devon. That is the only thing i can think of that could lift my heart with joy and peace. Good reflexion.
31/3/2023 06:10:13 pm
Bless you Chantal. And right where you are, God is. Enjoy your quiet times and all you do to look after yourself. You are worth it.
Deborah Ellis McKenzie
3/3/2023 02:17:26 pm
Thank you so much Kimerie.
31/3/2023 06:12:06 pm
How right you are, Deborah. Nature brings us back to ourselves. And i was so blessed to have some lovely weather and enjoy walks around our coastline most days. It took a lot to ask for the time off, and nothing at all to enjoy it. What can you do to look after yourself right now?
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