Workshops 2025
The Cry for Myth - Online Workshop
8th March 2025, 10.30am-4.30pm Led by Rev. Maggy Whitehouse ‘The loneliness of mythlessness is the deepest of all: unrelated to the past, unconnected to the future - shades hanging in mid-air’--Rollo May. Do you feel unbalanced in an increasingly crazy world? We are becoming polarised. lost and addicted to instant-hit pleasures which cannot sustain us. We all need something greater. Without a strong foundation it is hard to thrive. Human nature needs a core; a perennial wisdom; in order to hold itself balanced and to stand in the light. This is vital both for our own healing and the World’s. The world is running short of healthy religion and to balance that, whatever our own faith, we need the power of myth. Myth is not fantasy; it is the eternal wisdom that helps lead us from our egoic selves through our shadow to a profound and comforting truth that supports life rather than death. Myth is our great story and without it we will not thrive. Myth is much more important and true than history. History is just journalism and you know how reliable that is — Joseph Campbell. Fairy tales hold myths at their heart. Stories such as Rumplestiltskin, Cinderella and The Sleeping Beauty, properly told, hold deep messages for our hearts and souls. The Cry for Myth is a day of stories to uncover the healing archetypes within each of us. There is only one great story but it comes in many casings — from the crucifixion to Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. Myth tells us we can’t move toward hope, peace, transformation, and reconciliation without honouring sorrow and regret — so let us begin. Today we write our own unique and personal myths for living well and in peace. Join Maggy Whitehouse, mystic, edge-priest, award-winning writer and author of A Woman’s Worth: The Divine Feminine in the Hebrew Testament, Kabbalah Made Easy and Tales of the Blue Panda for this bright and beautiful workshop to reconnect you to the joy of being and your purpose in life. So let us begin by unravelling and recreating YOUR story. Sign up here |
Transformed Living - Online Workshop
10th May 2025, 10.30am-4.30pm Led by Rev. Kimerie Mapletoft and Rev. Paul Mapletoft Ticket by donation |
I just wanted to thank everyone who led the workshop on Saturday. It was bliss and I felt truly blessed to be in the presence of the silent unity family. - A.A
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