Jesus Teachings - Syllabus: SCS 120
Course Instructor
Instructor: Rev Paul Mapletoft
Email: [email protected]m
30 April - 28 May 2025
Course Description
Teachings about the Gospels have usually portrayed Jesus Christ as the “Great Exception” to being human. However, by focusing upon his sayings, we can see Jesus as the “Great Example” for Spiritual Awakening, Empowerment, and Transformation. By exploring the teachings of Jesus, rather than the teachings about Jesus, we can follow that example. Students will develop a deeper and more practical understanding of Jesus as Master Teacher and Wayshower through reflection upon his sayings and methods. In this way, they will learn to build a strong spiritual foundation for “Christ Consciousness.”
This class will focus on the three synoptic gospels and seek to understand how the teachings of Jesus may be incorporated into our lives. We will do this through:
- Understanding the basis and writers of the gospels,
- Comparison and metaphysical interpretation amongst the gospels
- Practical exercises conducted by class members
Course cost
For Unity SEE students: £35 (to receive 10 credits within the SEE programme)
For interest only: £25