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- Metaphysical Bible Interpretation: Hebrew Scriptures- CSC-110
Metaphysical Bible Interpretation: Hebrew Scriptures- CSC-110
Meeting every Wednesday evening, from 4th September - 2nd October, 2024, 7-9pm UK (BST)
Time Zone Converter: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
Cost: £35 for 10 credits awarded to SEE students; £25 to those studying for interest only.
Sponsored Students independent costs.
Held on zoom
Beneath the literal sense of the Bible, interpreters have for over 2,000 years discerned allegorical meanings related to divine truths and spiritual realities. Unity’s approach to scripture is connected to that stream of thought, which has at times been “mainstream” but more often “esoteric” and mystical. Students will experience the rewarding and surprisingly practical process of the Unity way of Bible interpretation. They will learn a step-by-step method for metaphysical interpretation and application of the meanings to their lives. Students will metaphysically interpret selected passages from Hebrew Scriptures.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email: [email protected]
Cost: £35/£25
If you are taking this as a registered student within the Unity SEE (Spiritual Education and Enrichment) curriculum, the fee is £35. This includes £10, the admin fee for Unity National School UK, through which we teach classes. The Unity UK National School is recognised by Unity Worldwide Ministries in America. You will receive 10 credits for this course.
For more details about registering as a Unity student, please email [email protected]
If you are taking this course for interest only, the cost is £25.
Required Text/Readings:
Bible New Revised Standard Version. However students may use any version
Access to www truthunity.net
Access to an English Dictionary
Unity Teacher:
Rev.Paul Mapletoft
Overseas Students : We are unfortunately unable to take payment outside the UK. Instead please pay through this donation link Include a note in the comment box to advise that the payment is for Metaphysics Bible Interpretation. Click to pay